Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Prayer Thanks & News!

Dear Family & Friends,

WOW! I really felt your energy last Saturday night with the thoughtful group prayer. What a warm and magical feeling to experience so much loving energy! I am very touched and truly blessed. Your prayers are working and I cannot thank you all enough.

I had a very fun 60th birthday celebration at home with Dick, Carrie, Tom, Kristin, PJ, James, Courtney and John. The kids decorated the dining room, with pictures taken throughout my life, pretty balloons, candles, and beautiful flowers. Tom and PJ were master birthday chefs, what a treat to have the guys cook! They do it so well and put on a great show! James of course entertained us with his cute two-year-old ways , he is in to absolutely everything and is saying lots of funny words. He's such an active boy and loves to laugh and play with everyone. The girls organized family movies and put together a slideshow. We watched old 8mm family films never seen before (or at least not for 20 years), they were hilarious and we laughed hysterically for hours which was so fun and felt so good. What great times we've had!

In medical news, last week Dick and I met with my oncologist, Dr. Friedland, who is a really caring and compassionate doctor. We are very pleased to have him on our side. During the meeting, we reviewed the PET SCAN taken one week prior to our visit. We reviewed the new scans on the computer next to the CT SCANS taken 3 months ago and compared them. I am happy to report that the primary tumor has diminished considerably, with the lymph nodes and rib mass showing marked improvements too. We were so thrilled to learn that these last months of treatment have been working! I will continue to receive chemotherapy every three weeks as long as I can handle it or until the cancer disappears completely. I feel strong with my "Army" of family and friends behind me, thanks so much for all of your help. Prayer is extremely powerful and with all of you rooting for me, it really does make a difference. I think of you often and pray for the very best for each and every one of you too. May God please keep you safe & healthy!
Love & Thanks,


  1. What wonderful news! I was so glad to be a part of the group prayer and please know that you're in our thoughts and prayers always. XOXO

  2. Love the all the pictures ! Looks like a fun time!!!!
    Alway Love! Always Prayers!

    Van Gregory

  3. its good to hear that things are going well. I think of you and your family often! I will keep you in my prayers and send positive thoughts your way!

    (your student nurse!)
